...last update 19-AUG-2024



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Motor Control Circuits


77 Pages

  42 Circuit Diagrams / Drawings

  42 Breadbord Experiments

Content >>

Sample PDF: MT-1 Page 5

VIP Download   ...key required


Media Files

14.2 MB zip file

120.5 MB zip file


Transistor PWM Controller,

PWM Controller with Timer NE555 / NE556,

PWM Controller with CMOS Logic Gates,

PWM Controller with OP-Amps

PWM Servo Controller with Arduino UNO


44 Pages

  29 Circuit Diagrams / Drawings

  29 Breadbord Experiments

Content >>

Sample PDF: MT-2 Page 15

VIP Download   ...key required


Media Files

7.6 MB zip file

263 MB zip file


Manual Controller with NE555 + A4988

Manual Controller with logic circuits + L9110

Programmable Controller with Arduino + L9110

Programmable Controller with Arduino +

HW130 shield

...(c) Udo Elger - Kuhlenkamp 22 - 48455 Bad Bentheim - Germany - info@retro-circuits.com.